Psychology and Well-being
16-17 May 2019

Welcome Message

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to the XV PhD Meeting in Psychology on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th of May 2019 at ISCTE-IUL in Lisbon. The meeting will be a scientific gathering of Psychology students from Portugal and abroad that aims to connect people and exchange of ideas by providing a constructive and stimulating environment for researchers interested in different Psychological topics and research themes.

The meeting is open to contributions from PhD students. However undergraduate, Master students, and other young researchers are also invited to present or to attend the meeting, to share their ideas and projects and to receive direct feedback about their work from colleagues, senior researchers and experts. This year's main theme is “Psychology and Well-being”. We believe that all fields of research in Psychology can have a meaningful impact on human well-being for individuals, groups and societies.

Registration for the XV PhD Meeting is free can be completed here. All interested participants, including the ones that will not present any work but still want to attend the XV PhD Meeting must register.

We look forward to seeing you in May.

Important Dates

until 29 March


22 April - 10 May


16 - 17 May

Phd Meeting

What topics does this conference cover?

  • Social Psychology
  • Organizational Psychology
  • Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
  • Developmental, Educational, and Community Psychology
  • Family Psychology
  • Behaviour, Emotion and Cognition
  • Psychology of Health and Wellbeing
  • Political Attitudes and Social Justice
  • Interpersonal, Group and Intergroup Relations
  • Human-Animal Studies
  • Crises, Disasters and Trauma Psychology
  • Neuropsychology
  • Psychology of Sexual Health
  • LGBTI+ and Gender Studies in Psychology
* Nevertheless, the Scientific Committee is open to consider and evaluate presentations from other domains within psychological sciences.
For more information: