General Guidelines

Failure to comply with any of the below guidelines may result in the work not being considered for revision and/or the author being denied the opportunity to present it at the event.

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Only abstracts submitted in English will be considered as a valid submission.

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Presentation materials (e.g., posters, slides for talks) must be written in English.

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Authors should be able to present their work and discuss it (e.g., answer questions) preferably in English.

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Authors are free to choose any form of spelling (e.g., American) as long as they are consistent.

We welcome submissions from and/or contributing to any domain of social and/or organizational psychology.

Guidelines for Talks

All presentation materials (e.g., Slides) must be in English. Authors should also be able to discuss their work, and answer audience questions preferably in English. Authors may consent for their talk to be recorded so it can be made available online. However authors may deny such consent and are entitled to enforce their rights under the Portuguese Law, namely copyrights, and image rights (e.g., the right to not be photographed or videotaped without their consent when not in a public place).

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Who can submit?
PhD candidates (including Masters students wishing to present their Masters’ developed work and/or PhD proposals), PhD students, Postdoc researchers, Professors and senior researchers.
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Abstract length
150-250 words.
Abstracts should contain information about research goals, methods, results (or predicted results), main theoretical or applied implications.
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Authors will have 15 minutes to present their works, with an additional 10 minutes to answer audience questions

Guidelines for Posters

Posters must be written in English. Authors should also be able to discuss their work, and answer audience questions preferably in English. Authors are entitled to enforce their rights under the Portuguese Law, namely copyrights, and image rights (e.g., the right to not be photographed or videotaped without their consent when not in a public place).

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Who can submit?
Undergraduate students, Master students, Graduate students, Senior researchers. Poster size to A0 (120cm X 90cm).
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Abstract length
150-250 words
Abstracts should contain information about research goals, methods, results (or predicted results), main theoretical or applied implications.

Important Dates

until 12 March


23 April - 16 May


17 - 18 May

Phd Meeting

What topics does this conference cover?

  • Behavior, Emotion and Cognition
  • Developmental, Educational, and Community Psychology
  • Environmental Psychology
  • Interpersonal, Group and Intergroup Relations
  • Human-Animal Studies
  • Neuropsychology or other Neurosciences
  • Organizational Psychology
  • Political Attitudes and Social Justice
  • Prejudice and Discrimination
  • Psychology of Health and Wellbeing
  • Social Psychology
  • Socio-Cultural Dynamics
Institutional Support