General Guidelines

Failure to comply with any of the below guidelines may result in the work not being considered for revision and/or the author being denied the opportunity to present it at the event.

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Must be submitted in English only.

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Presentation materials (e.g., posters, slides for talks) must be written in English.

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The presentation and the subsequent discussion should be held in English.

Guidelines for Talks

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Who can submit?
PhD candidates, Masters students wishing to present their Masters’ developed work and/or PhD proposals, PhD students, Postdoc researchers, other researchers.
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The presentation, the materials used (e.g., Slides) and the subsequent discussion should be held in English.
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Abstract length
150-250 words.
Abstracts should contain information about research goals, methods, results (or predicted results), main theoretical or applied implications.
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Authors will have 15 minutes to present their work, with an additional 10 minutes to answer audience questions.

Guidelines for Posters

PhD candidates, Masters students wishing to present their Masters’ developed work and/or PhD proposals, PhD students, Postdoc researchers, other researchers.

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Who can submit?
PhD candidates, Masters students wishing to present their Masters’ developed work and/or PhD proposals, PhD students, Postdoc researchers, other researchers.
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Poster size
A0 (120cm X 90cm; 4 feet X 3 feet).
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The presentation, the materials used (e.g., Slides) and the subsequent discussion should be held in English.
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Abstract length
150-250 words
Abstracts should contain information about research goals, methods, results (or predicted results), main theoretical or applied implications.

Important Dates

until 29 March


22 April - 10 May


16 - 17 May

Phd Meeting

For more information: