Welcome Message

Dear Colleagues,

It is with great honour and pleasure that we invite you to the ​XVI PhD Meeting in Psychology, ​taking place May 20th - 21st, 2021.
While we regret that the COVID-19 pandemic has prevented us from holding the conference at Iscte, in Lisbon, we are excited about the opportunity of holding an innovative virtual conference that will enable us to meet with researchers from all around the world.

This conference aims to create a platform for Ph.D. Students and junior researchers to share their recent work. In addition, it provides the opportunity to meet, interact, exchange ideas and receive feedback from leading experts of different fields of psychological research. Finally, besides having the opportunity to network and meet researchers for future scientific collaboration, we will also have the pleasure to learn from guest speakers who will share their insights during the congress.

This year’s theme is “A Whole New World: Implications for Psychology”.

This conference will explore innovative approaches to address various challenges in our societies within different domains of psychology. It will provide us the opportunity to learn, connect and foster collaboration in our fast-changing world and encourage us to turn today’s challenges into future prospects.

Participation in the XVI Ph.D. Meeting is open and free to all presenting and non-presenting authors upon registration.

We look forward to seeing you in May!

Important Dates

until 16th April


19 April - 3 May


20 - 21 May

PhD Meeting

What topics does this conference cover?

  • Behaviour, Emotion and Cognition
  • Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
  • Crises, Disasters and Trauma Psychology
  • Cross-cultural Psychology
  • Developmental, Educational, and Community Psychology
  • Family Psychology
  • Human-Animal Studies
  • Interpersonal, Group and Intergroup Relations
  • LGBTI+ and Gender Studies in Psychology
  • Neuropsychology
  • Organizational Psychology
  • Psychology of Health and Wellbeing
  • Political Attitudes and Social Justice
  • Psychology of Sexual Health
  • Social Psychology
  • Theoretical and General Psychology
  • Vocational Psychology
  • Intercultural Psychology
  • Psychology Research on Covid-19 Related Topics
* Nevertheless, the Scientific Committee is open to consider and evaluate presentations from other domains within psychological sciences.

Register to attend

For more information, please contact: ​phdmeeting2021@gmail.com