Encontro de Investigação em
Psicologia Social
e das Organizações

22-23 maio 2014
ISCTE-IUL Lisboa Portugal

You must create an account to register at the meeting. Please click "register" to continue the registration process
Register in the X PhD Meeting in Social and Organizational Psychology X PhD Meeting in Social and Organizational Psychology

Students and researchers from the Department of Social and Organizational Psychology at ISCTE-IUL are exempt from registration fees.


Participants with oral presentations and posters should register online until May 11th, 2014. Registration is only valid upon receipt of payment which must be submitted simultaneously with the online registration.


Non-presenters can register online or onsite at the event. If you wish to register online, please create a personal account to provide us the information needed to send your registration receipt.


registration fees


  • PhD students (presenters) 20€
  • MA students (posters) 15€
  • General public / researchers / students outside DPSO at ISCTE-IUL (non-presenters) 20€
  • Students from DPSO at ISCTE-IUL (presenters / non-presenters) Free
  • Payment deadline (presenters, posters) May 11th, 2014



Registration fees include:

• Access to all sessions of the scientific program
• One copy of the Book of Abstracts
• Coffee breaks


Travel and accommodation expenses are not included in the registration fee.


payment methods


Money transfer

  • Bank Caixa Geral de Depósitos
  • Institution ISCTE
  • Description X PhD Meeting in Social and Organizational Psychology 
  • NIB 0035 0368 0000 0004 230 55
  • IBAN PT5000 350 368 0000 0004 230 55


The registration will only be complete once the payment receipt is furnished. Please submit it on this website using your personal account.