Encontro de Investigação em
Psicologia Social
e das Organizações

22-23 maio 2014
ISCTE-IUL Lisboa Portugal

We are pleased to invite you to the 10th PhD Meeting in Social and Organizational Psychology, to be held at Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE-IUL) on May 22d and 23th, 2014. 


The meeting shall bring together PhD students in Psychology from the entire country in order to present and discuss various research themes with other researchers. In a context of scientific exchange and discussion, we intend to provide a hub for networking, and to enhance future collaborations between researchers at all levels of experience and expertise. The meeting will benefit from the participation of expert researchers and their contributions to the discussion of presented works and research themes.


All MA and PhD students in psychology are cordially invited to submit their original research in the diverse fields of social and organizational psychology. We particularly welcome works in areas such as: groups, social cognition and intergroup relations, quality of social life (health, environment and community), psychophysiology of emotion and cognition, and organizational psychology.


PhD students will be given the opportunity for oral presentation and discussion of their work with a senior researcher. MA students will be given the opportunity to present a poster and discuss their work with other researchers. Other researchers, psychology students at any academic level, as well as general public are also welcome to attend the meeting and contribute to the discussion of the presented works.


Come and join us in sharing and exploring the countless interesting research questions from the field of psychology!