General Guidelines

Presenting authors should take into consideration the following guidelines before submitting their abstracts.

Guidelines for Talks

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Who can submit?
Academic researchers of all levels, Master and Ph.D. students, Ph.D. candidates and Postdoc researchers.
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The presentation and the subsequent discussion should be held in English. Supporting material (e.g., slides) should be also written in English. You will be asked to submit these prior to the event to avoid in-day delays.
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Abstract length
150-250 words.
Abstracts should contain information about research goals, methods, results (or predicted results), main theoretical or applied implications. Abstracts must be submitted in English.
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Authors will have 15 minutes to present their work, followed with an additional 10 minutes to answer questions from the audience.


Authors may consent for their image to be saved and made available online, on the Website or Facebook page of the meeting.
However, authors may deny such consent and are entitled to enforce their rights under the Portuguese Law, namely copyrights, and image rights (e.g., the right to not be photographed or videotaped without their consent when not in a public place).

Guidelines for Posters

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Who can submit?
Academic researchers of all levels, Master and Ph.D. students, Ph.D. candidates and Postdoc researchers.
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Posters must be written in English. Authors should also be able to discuss their work, and answer audience questions in English.
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Abstract length
150-250 words
Abstracts should contain information about research goals, methods, results (or predicted results), main theoretical or applied implications.
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Poster size
A0 (120 cm x 90 cm). They must be vertically oriented.


Important Dates

6th February - 17th March


3rd April - 30th April


18th - 19th May

PhD Meeting

For more information, please contact: ​