XIII PhD Meeting
in Social and Organizational

Challenging the Past, Creating a Future

01-02  June 2017
ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Organizing Committee

Andrea Fontes
Andrea Fontes
Bethânia Sasseron
Bethânia Sasseron
Carla Andrade
Carla Andrade
Carla Branco
Carla Branco
Cristiane Souza
Cristiane Souza
Inês Ratinho
Inês Ratinho
João Mariano
João Mariano
João Pizarro
João Pizarro
Mafalda Esteves
Mafalda Esteves
Margarida Carmona
Margarida Carmona
Maria da Luz Cabral
Maria da Luz Cabral
Sofia Petisca
Sofia Petisca
Tânia dos Santos
Tânia dos Santos
Tânia dos Santos
Vanessa Russo


Department of Social and Organizational Psychology (DEPSO)

The Department of Social and Organizational Psychology’s (DEPSO’s) main focuses are teaching and scientific research in psychology. In charge of developing a PhD program, DEPSO bets on high quality and internationalization of its pedagogues and research groups. The first cycle degree program concentrates on providing students with general competencies in psychology, with emphasis placed on practical training and incentive for research. For what concerns the second cycle, DEPSO’s main role is to coordinate masters and post-graduations in the field of psychology.

Center for Social Research and Intervention (CIS-IUL) at ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

The scientific interests of the Center for Social Research and Intervention (CIS-IUL) cover various areas of psychology, such as groups and intergroup relations, community psychology, health and environmental psychology and social neurosciences. CIS counts 50 full members and 70 associated members, including researchers of different nationalities.

Among the members of CIS, many are also Faculty members of ISCTE-IUL’s Department of Social and Organizational Psychology and CIS collaborates with the Department in the organization of the Doctoral Program in Psychology. Both CIS and the Department are integrated in the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of ISCTE-IUL.

Besides the regular funding from FCT, as a research unit, CIS obtains funds from public and private institutions, mostly through national and European competitive calls for research projects.nacionais, públicos e privados.

PhD Program in Psychology

The PhD Program in Psychology is hosted by the Department of Social and Organizational Psychology of the School for Social Sciences and Humanities at ISCTE-IUL, but it is also jointly organized with CIS-IUL, as one of its most important activities, and it is associated with ISCTE-IUL’s Laboratory for Social and Organizational Psychology (LAPSO). The Program is accredited by the national higher education evaluation and accreditation agency (A3ES). It offers PhD students the opportunity to integrate different research groups, and encourages them to collaborate with national and international research teams and to share their studies (through scientific presentations, books and articles).

Lisbon PhD in Social Psychology (LiSP)

O Lisbon PhD in Social Psychology (LiSP) is an FCT-funded Inter-University Doctoral Program integrating the three existing Doctoral Programs in Social Psychology in Lisbon (from ISCTE-IUL, University of Lisbon and ISPA-IU). It aims to foster strong collaborations with international Universities, and the combination of diverse scientific subdomains of Social Psychology (e.g. prejudice and social inequalities, social and political attitudes, social memory, community and education, emotion and cognition) in one integrated program.