XIII PhD Meeting
in Social and Organizational

Challenging the Past, Creating a Future

01-02  June 2017
ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Scientific Themes

Oral presentations and posters should belong to the field of social and organizational psychology, namely:

  1. Organizational Psychology
  2. Environmental Psychology
  3. Developmental, Educational, and Community Psychology
  4. Interpersonal, Group and Intergroup Relations
  5. Behavior, Emotion and Cognition
  6. Psychology of Health and Wellbeing
  7. Political Attitudes and Social Justice
  8. Foreign market entry modes and management of value chains
  9. Multinational enterprises, institutional environments, corporate social responsibility and sustainable development
  10. Multinational enterprise strategy and organisation
  11. International networks and alliances

Nevertheless, the Scientific Committee is open to consider and evaluate presentations from other domains within psychological sciences.

Important Dates

31 March
Short abstract submission
Oral presentations and posters
21 April
Notification about the acceptance
or rejection of presentations
5 May
Participants Registrations
Payment Deadline for Presenters and Posters
15 July
Submission deadline for full papers

Submission Guidelines

Oral Presentations

PhD students are invited to submit a short abstract of their work to be presented orally and discussed with a senior researcher. If accepted, the abstract will have to be resubmitted in an extended form in order to allow a more profound debate with the invited discussant. Presentations may cover theoretical and methodological ideas to be developed within the PhD project, as well as empirical findings, systematic literature reviews or meta-analyses already conducted during the PhD.

Oral presentations will be 15 minutes long, in Portuguese or English language, followed by a 15 minute discussion with a senior researcher. The digital support used (e.g., power point) must be written in English.

The discussants will be invited by the Scientific Committee for presentations belonging to their field of expertise.
The submission of both short and extended abstracts is mandatory for oral presentations. Specific guidelines are presented below.

Submit the short abstract here.

Short Abstract

The Short Abstract should provide a brief description (150-250 words) of the research work to be presented, including:

  • Objectives
  • Method
  • Results (or expected results)
  • Conclusions

The short abstract should be submitted in English.
The short abstract should be submitted online until March 31th, 2017 here.

Authors will be notified about the acceptance or rejection of their presentations by April 21th, 2017.
The accepted short abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts of the meeting.


Master’s and PhD students in psychology are invited to submit a short abstract for a poster about their research work. Posters may cover theoretical and methodological ideas to be developed within the project or empirical findings from the conducted research. In this case, the submission of an extended abstract is not required. Specific guidelines are presented below.

In case the short abstract is accepted, posters should include authors, affiliations, abstract, objectives, method, results and conclusions. The dimension should be 85cm (Width) x 110cm (Height).

  • Objectives
  • Method
  • Results (or expected results)
  • Conclusions

The short abstract should be submitted in English.
The short abstract should be submitted online until March 31th, 2017 here.

Authors will be notified about the acceptance or rejection of their presentations by April 21th, 2017.
The accepted short abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts of the meeting.

Extended Abstract Submission Guidelines for Oral Presentations only

In case the short abstract for an oral presentation is accepted, authors will be requested to provide an extended abstract. The extended abstract will be handed over to the invited senior researcher in order to prepare and organize the discussion. It should comprise the following sections (max. 3000-4000 words):

  • Introduction
  • Method
  • Results
  • Discussion/Conclusions
  • Acknowledgments (optional)
  • References

The short abstract should be submitted in English.
The extended abstract should be sent until May 15th, 2017 by email to phdmeeting2017@iscte.pt.