XIII PhD Meeting
in Social and Organizational

Challenging the Past, Creating a Future

01-02  June 2017
ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa


Participants must register until May 5th, 2017 here.

Participants with oral presentations and posters should pay registration fees and send the receipt by email (and the name and address for the invoice) during the registration period (Deadline May 5th, 2017).

Non-presenters can register following the same procedure and send by email the payment receipt (and the name and address for the invoice).

Registration Fees

Registration fees include:

  • Access to all sessions of the scientific program
  • One copy of the Book of Abstracts
  • Coffee breaks
Oral Communications 20€
Poster Communications 15€
ISCTE-IUL Community (presenters/non-presenters) Free
General Public / Researchers / Students outside ISCTE-IUL (non-presenters) 25€

Payment Methods

Money transfer

Bank CGD - Caixa Geral de Depósitos
Institution ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Description XIII Encontro Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia Social e das Organizações
NIB 0035 0368 0000 0004 2305 5
IBAN PT50 0035 0368 0000 0004 2305 5