XIII PhD Meeting
in Social and Organizational

Challenging the Past, Creating a Future

01-02  June 2017
ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Keynote Speakers

Ana Beatriz Saraiva
Ana Beatriz Saraiva
PhD Life | Before, during and after

There are three interrelated parts to a doctoral journey: before, during and after, each of these moments has special challenges.
In the beginning, starting with passion about the topic we have chosen is essential, followed by reading extensively on the content knowledge of the chosen field of study. With progress, we refine knowledge of and baseline skill in using higher-order critical thinking, researching, reading, and writing skills.
In the end, we demonstrate mastery of knowledge and skills designing and successfully conducting our research project, the result of which should add new knowledge to a given field.
From point A to B we experience mixed and intense feelings and dispositions, from the enthusiasm of discoveries and the pleasure of learning to the frustration and discouragement, there is a raw field of solitary work in isolation and strengthening coping skills is essential for surviving and success: making good use of supervisors and peer seminars, and learning to manage ourselves. A PhD is the academic adventure of a lifetime and an emotional journey.


Clinical psychologist, neuropsychologist, psychotherapist and trainer. Works at CUF Almada and is an independent expert at the European Commission assisting in the evaluation of proposals in the areas of childhood and youth, family and violence. PhD at the University of Minho (2015) in Child Studies, specializing in Developmental and Educational Psychology, researcher at CIEC - Center for Research in Child Studies with the following areas of interest: violence, parenting, early childhood education, developmental psychology and life trajectories.

Elizabeth Collins
Elizabeth Collins
Innovation and (versus?) Replication in Scientific Research

What is the value of innovation and replication? What will be the long term effect of the current “replication crisis” be? Both are necessary for scientific and human progress. Scientific rhetoric values both equally. But scientific fame and publishing success valued innovation over replication for many years, until the current “crisis.” Join me as a muse on this subject, and decide how much I will wager on my own prognostications.

Nazaré Couto
Nazaré Couto
The science challenge / O desafio da Ciência

Being in Science is a constant challenge that often test our limits and defy our resilience. Being in Science is not directly related with the word “EUREKA” (we wish!). Science is a Path! Science is a Challenge! No shortcuts, no achievements without difficulties, no success without risk and sacrifice. This presentation intends to give a quick overview of different aspects, challenges and perspectives that one may face in science.
We will reflect about the PhD process, focusing on challenges, difficulties, strengths and opportunities as well as on the “next step” after the PhD. Entrepreneurship will also be a theme of discussion as during and after PhD one of the questions that may appear is “May I save the world and be an entrepreneur?” (a good and meritorious question, by the way). What about our personal case? We will dive in an inspiring world of successful stories and inspirational people.
And if we have the will to make something different we also have a brief overview on tools to make transitions happen. Topics as Financing Opportunities (national and international opportunities, including H2020) and Proposal Development (from ideation to project structure) will be explored.


Nazaré Couto main research interests have been in the area of the clean-up of contaminated soils and upgrade of waste streams using biological (phytoremediation: PhD, 2006-2010; FCUP) and physico-chemical techniques (electrokinetic process: since 2011, FCT NOVA).
Since her Ph.D., with a field work mostly carried out in industrial environment (Galp Energia Group), she started to make connections to industry and started to develop her market oriented profile. During her Post-Doc her mobility actions, namely to China and and Denmark/Greenland, gave her experience and a target oriented profile that lead her to solve challenging problems using scientific and technological solutions that can be implemented in the field, and easily adapted to other environments, thus capitalizing the “lessons learned”.
She published 16 papers in peer review journals, is co-author of 7 Book Chapters, a book co-editor, and presented about 60 presentations in International conferences.
She is/was involved in national/international projects (including EU projects, INTERREG SUDOE, FCT-MCTES and industry) and has been involved in R&D projects management, both scientifically and motivation of the involved teams.
Her commitment with Science includes a clear focus in developing talent, building bridges between academy-industry-society, entrepreneurship and societal engagement.

Ricardo Fonseca
Ricardo Fonseca
Building bridges, not fortresses: the competitive advantage of psychology in the “real” world.

Nowadays, psychology is an avenue of possibilities in the business world. From Microsoft to Disney, corporations all over the world are turning to the science of human behaviour as a legitimate solution to solve different problems. How to engage audiences with brands? How to be more efficient in a fast pace technology culture? How to increase people’s attitudes towards sustainability? These are all questions that psychologists have been answering in the past years.
This renewed interest in psychology should come as no surprise. The advent of technology made us more unpredictable and phenomena such as Donald Trump winning the elections are scary real. Psychologists have, therefore, a pivotal role (and a tremendous opportunity) in understanding, explaining and predicting what is happening everywhere.
This talk is about the importance of establishing bridges between academia and the corporate world. I will go through different examples out there and my own. Specifically, I will shed a light on how my academic background on persuasion was key in helping me find my way in the advertising world.


Ricardo Fonseca is a 34 years-old Lisbon native.
Ricardo has a PhD is social psychology (ISPA- University Institute & University of California, Santa Barbara) and works as a Strategy Director at comOn, an User Marketing Agency, where he is also the Chief People Officer.
In the past 11 years, he’s been conducting research that explores the cognitive processes behind information-processing in the context of persuasion and how these complex processes are affected by social settings.
His research has been published in national and international journals (e.g. Frontiers of psychology: personality and social psychology, PLosOne, Social Cognition) and in 2010 he was the recipient of the Best Paper Award granted by the European Social Cognition Network, an organism of the European Science Foundation.
His true passion, however, is to establish bridges between academia and the corporate world, specially within the marketing and advertising industries. As such, over the past 7 years, Ricardo has worked in different agencies (J. Walter Thompson, comOn) where he applies the principles of psychology to brand communication strategies for different clients in different market sectors. Among the clients he has worked for are OLX, Montepio, Nestle, Vodafone, Fidelidade, Danone, etc.

Edmundo Martinho
Edmundo Martinho

Edmundo Martinho is the Vice-President of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa since 2016.
He holds a Degree in Social service and is post-graduated in Project Management. From 1998 to 2003, he was President of the Institute for Social Development. Between 2001 and 2003 he held the position of President of the National Commission for the Protection of children and young people at risk. In 2007 he was appointed as President of the National Council of Social Security and in 2009 he was named Portugal’s Representative at the European Advisory Board for the European year for combating Poverty and Social Exclusion in 2010.
From 2005 to 2011, he was chairman of the board of the National Institute for Social Security.
From 2011 to 2014 he was Head of the Social Security Observatory of the International Association of Social Security, in Geneva, Switzerland.