XIII PhD Meeting
in Social and Organizational

Challenging the Past, Creating a Future

01-02  June 2017
ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Dear Colleagues,

we are pleased to invite you to the XIII PhD Meeting In Social and Organizational Psychology, to be held at ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) on june 1st and 2nd, 2017.

Are you just starting your PhD? Or already in a fierce battle with your project in order to accomplish its final goal? This meeting might be what you were looking for…on 1st and 2nd June of 2017 the XIII PhD Meeting will be held in Lisbon at ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL). What is this all about? A scientific gathering of PhD students from various fields in Psychology that get together for two days, sharing experiences and their own work. If you are just starting and want to hear feedback, or already have a strong project going on, this is your opportunity to connect with other psychologists from yours and different fields!

We also encourage MA students to submit to our posters track, sharing their work with seniors researchers and getting a glimpse of what doing a PhD entails!

The meeting will bring together PhD students in Psychology from Portugal and abroad in order to present and discuss various research themes with other researchers. In a context of scientific exchange and discussion, we intend to provide a hub for networking, and to enhance future collaborations between researchers at all levels of experience and expertise. The meeting will benefit from the participation of expert researchers and their contributions to the discussion of presented works and research themes.

All MA and PhD students in psychology are invited to submit their original research in the diverse fields of social and organizational psychology. We particularly welcome works in areas such as: groups, social cognition and intergroup relations, gender and sexualities,quality of social life (health, environment and community), psychophysiology of emotion and cognition, and organizational psychology. If your topic does not fit in one of these main fields but, you consider it original and interesting to be shared, we strongly encourage you to submit it!

PhD students will be given the opportunity for oral presentation and discussion of their work with a senior researcher. MA students will be given the opportunity to present a poster and discuss their work with other researchers. Other researchers, psychology students at any academic level, as well as general public are also welcome to attend the meeting and contribute to the discussion of the presented works.

Come and join us in sharing and exploring the countless interesting research questions from the field of psychology. Together, we open doors to the future of research in Psychology!

Important Dates

31 March
Short abstract submission
Oral presentations and posters
21 April
Notification about the acceptance
or rejection of presentations
5 May
Participants Registrations
Payment Deadline for Presenters and Posters
15 July
Submission deadline for full papers

Scientific Themes

Oral presentations and posters should belong to the field of social and organizational psychology, namely:

  1. Organizational Psychology
  2. Environmental Psychology
  3. Developmental, Educational, and Community Psychology
  4. Interpersonal, Group and Intergroup Relations
  5. Behavior, Emotion and Cognition
  6. Psychology of Health and Wellbeing
  7. Political Attitudes and Social Justice
  8. Foreign market entry modes and management of value chains
  9. Multinational enterprises, institutional environments, corporate social responsibility and sustainable development
  10. Multinational enterprise strategy and organisation
  11. International networks and alliances

Nevertheless, the Scientific Committee is open to consider and evaluate presentations from other domains within psychological sciences.